Building Real-Time Web Applications with Rails and WebSockets

3 min readJun 23, 2023


Introduction: In this blog post, we will explore how to create a real-time web application using Rails and WebSockets. We’ll cover the setup process, creating routes, generating controllers and channels, and integrating client-side JavaScript to establish a WebSocket connection. By the end, you’ll have a functional real-time application that broadcasts messages to connected clients.

Setting Up the Rails Application:

To begin, let’s set up a new Rails application with the necessary dependencies. Open your terminal and execute the following commands:

rails new websocket_action_cable
cd websocket_action_cable

Next, let’s generate the required components:

  1. Generating a Channel:
rails g channel alerts

2. Generating a Controller:

rails g controller pages home

Run the Rails Server: Start the Rails server by executing the following command in your terminal:

rails s

Defining Routes: Open the config/routes.rb file and update it as follows:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
get 'pages/home'

# Define your application routes per the DSL in

# Defines the root path route ("/")
post "/hello", to: "pages#hello"
root "pages#home"

Creating Page Controller:
Open the `pages_controller.rb` file located in the `app/controllers` folder and add the following code:

class PagesController < ApplicationController
def hello
ActionCable.server.broadcast 'AlertsChannel', "Hello from the Rails app."

Creating the Pages Home View:
Open the `home.html.erb` file located in the `app/views/pages` folder and add the following code:

<%= button_to "Say Hello", hello_path %>

Creating the Alerts Channel:
Open the `alerts_channel.rb` file located in the `app/channels` folder and add the following code:

class AlertsChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
def subscribed
stream_from 'AlertsChannel'

Setting up the Vite Client:

In a separate terminal window, create a new Vite project:

npm create vite@latest
# Answer the prompts to set up the project
cd vite_project

Open two separate terminal windows, one for the Rails server and the other for the client-side application.

In the Rails terminal window, start the server:

rails s

Back in the Vite project terminal window, install the necessary dependencies:

npm install

npm run dev

Open the URL `http://localhost:5173/` in your browser.

bundle add rack-cors:

Create a new file named `cors.rb` in the `config/initializers` folder and add the following code:

Rails.application.config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do
allow do
origins '*'
resource '*',
headers: :any,
methods: %i[get post put patch delete options head]

Creating WebSocket Connection for the Client:

Locate the `main.js` file in the Vite project and clear its contents. Then, add the following code:

function createSocket() {
const socket_url = 'ws://localhost:3000/cable';
const socket = new WebSocket(socket_url);

socket.onopen = function(event) {
console.log("Connected to the Rails server.");
const msg = {
command: "subscribe",
identifier: JSON.stringify({

id: 1,
channel: 'AlertsChannel'

socket.onmessage = function(event) {
const data = JSON.parse(;

if (data.type === 'ping') {
if (data.message) {
console.log("Received data from server",;

socket.onclose = function(event) {
console.log("Disconnected from the server.");

socket.onerror = function(error) {
console.log('WebSocket error observed:', error);


You can also generate a scaffold for the `Post` model:

rails g scaffold Post title body:text
rails db:create && rails db:migrate

In the `posts_controller.rb` file located in the `app/controllers` folder, add the following line after saving a post:

ActionCable.server.broadcast 'AlertsChannel', "Created a post from the Rails side with title: #{@post.title} and body: #{@post.body}"

Congratulations! You have successfully built a real-time web application using Rails Action Cable for WebSocket communication and Vite as the front-end development tool. The Rails server and the Vite-powered client can now communicate in real-time, providing a dynamic and interactive user experience. Feel free to explore further and enhance your application with additional features. Happy coding!

Get the data from the WebSocket




Written by BharteeTechRubyOnRails

Ruby on Rails Developer || React Js || Rspec || Node Js

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