Variable in Ruby

1 min readMay 23, 2023


The variable is where we can store some value to perform a manipulation.

Considering that we have 99 chocolates, we want to divide it by 9 to find out how many people will receive each chocolate.

total_cho = 99
=> 99
person = 9
=> 9
each_person = 99/9
=> 11

Naming Convention:

There is no space between the variables.

There is no special character expect _(underscore). eg each_person

A variable name can have a number but a variable can not start with the number.

The capital character should not appear at the start of the variable.

fruit = "banana"
=> "banana"
fruit123 = "apple"
=> "apple"
fruitType = "summer seasonal"
=> "summer seasonal"
_fruit = "kiwi"
=> "kiwi"

The underscore — a special variable:

If you want to use the last manipulate output so with the help of underscore we can use it.

data = 798
=> 798
3.0.0 :014 > data += 4569
=> 5367
3.0.0 :015 > value = _
=> 5367


A constant can be thought of as a variable whose value doesn’t change. Constant in Ruby start with a capital letter.

Pi = 3.14
=> 3.14
r = 3
=> 3
=> 28.26

Pi = 3.14
(irb):24: warning: already initialized constant Pi
(irb):21: warning: previous definition of Pi was here
=> 3.14




Written by BharteeTechRubyOnRails

Ruby on Rails Developer || React Js || Rspec || Node Js

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